AMR studio
Tony Reinemann’s oil paintings have been described as a blend of social and magic realism that evoke a highly exaggerated Edward Hopper in a Hitchcock film. His sharply defined, colorful visuals tell stories limited only by the viewer’s imagination. Multiple themes run throughout his works: social, emotional and spiritual, and at times, allegorical commentary that use both realistic and whimsical imagery to tell a story. Many of Reinemann’s works are driven by his love for New York City, whose kinetic energy and landmark architecture offer the perfect backdrop for telling stories of urban life. At times his paintings capture the majesty of the city’s skyline; at other times, a view into a window – a moment in the life of a city dweller.“The sights and sounds of New York have always captivated me, but at night I find that the city’s lights and shadows enhance its appeal. They spark my imagination and inspire my creative energy to depict a mood that is, for me, uniquely New York.”